Tuesday, June 07, 2011

$2.5T is a Lotta Chocolate Pudding

Ten years today Bush signed his infamous tax cuts, which have cost us (so far) $2.5 trillion bucks.  HERE'S A LIST OF SHIT we could've spent that money on instead, take a look if you're in the mood to be totally depressed.

It's funny how the Right's mistrust of the government doesn't rear it's head whenever the government says tax cuts are the way to economic prosperity. THAT they believe, THAT'S the moment they decide that government knows what it's doing, no matter how many times it's disproven.  Meanwhile, it's also the only time they call bullshit on anyone from the Sacred Private Sector that Baby Jesus Has Built; dismissing economist after economist who warns that such tax cuts are counterproductive.  Interesting.

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