Saturday, June 11, 2011


Via Sully we learn about fecal transplants:
Stephen J. Dubner explained the process of fecal transplants a couple months ago:
[M]any maladies — from intestinal problems to obesity to disorders like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and perhaps even cancer — are related to damaged or missing gut bacteria; the solution therefore may lie in transplanting healthy bacteria into a sick person. How is this accomplished? (Okay, hold your nose for a moment.) A fecal transplant. Yes, you read right: taking the stool from a healthy person, mixing it with a saline solution, and injecting it into an ill person.

I'll be honest.  Being told by a doctor you have to do this would almost be worth it, just to be able to shout at him "hey man, I don't take shit from no one!!!"

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