Friday, June 10, 2011

Oh, Fatty.

Rush Limbaugh is claiming that conservative and liberal women vote according to emotion and superficial things:
LIMBAUGH: I’m starting to think here that conservative women are just like liberal women in that they’re inclined to vote on superficial and emotional things first. I never thought that was the case with conservative women!
Of course he left off conservative men, who vote that way:
One thing that has surprised me is how quickly the GOP went from the party of no-nonsense, button-down seriousness to one of symbols and histrionic emotions; there is no argument they think they can't win with a moving, tear-jerker anecdote about soldiers, flags and Jesus. You don't need me to tell you how well that has served the party over the last few years.
They vote either on emotional issues, like dudes kissing or abortion, and then according to who's the most "American!" when it comes to beating his chest waving the flag or crying about loving Baby Jesus more than anyone else.  They're not very interested in fiscal responsibility or sane foreign policy, they're always on the lookout for Mr. Tough Guy who they can feel is "Daddy."   Bring up Ronald Reagan to a man on the Right and watch him mist up; bring up actual policies Reagan enacted and they'll be quickly dismissed since it doesn't matter because Reagan "made me feel good."

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