Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Piper Calling

I've mentioned several times, most recently HERE, what a fan of Piper Palin I am.  I mean, when this girl hits her teens she is gonna be HELL ON WHEELS (and not some stupid bus like Mama.)  Just like how uber-wealthy families feel more and more entitled with each generation, Piper seems to have every bit of Sniffy's scorched-earth pissed-offness that people exist in the world who aren't falling over themselves to pronounce her the greatest thing since whatever the hell it is they eat in Alaska until sliced bread makes it up there, PLUS that very sense of entitlement.  THAT'S a reality show I can't wait to see - can you even  imagine Sniff the Younger at a sleepover?  Or a Sweet 16 party?  Throw in her getting her own Facebook account any minute now, and the planet better PRAY that she doesn't end up being anywhere near as hot as her mother; that would just make her even more exponentially insufferable.  Awesome. 

Luckily for us, THE DAILY BEAST has put together some of her greatest hits for us.

"Third row, fake Louis Vitton bag...end her."

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