Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Plax is Bax

Today is June, which means it's almost time for the Fashion Herald's boyfriend, Plaxico Burress, to be released from prison after 2 years.  I've always thought 2 years was curiously long, when we see people with bigger crimes getting off scott-free every day.  I'd love to see what kind of sentence, say, Eli Manning would get for the same crime.  Hell, I bet Eli could stick the gun down someone ELSE's sweatpants and shoot, and the judge would be bubbling over him, asking for an autograph instead of sentencing him to prison.  I'm also curious if the club ever got in trouble; at THIS POINT they were safe, since they were "cooperating" with the cops, apparently to whom letting someone walk in with a loaded gun and start drinking was no big deal.

And of course it's not as if seeing Plax in jail has put the rest of the NFL on the straight-and-narrow.  A cursory look at NFL CRIMES left me so exhausted I barely made it back to January 2011, and amongst the many violent crimes at least five involved guns, to say nothing of stabbings and assaults and at least one murder.

Since Plax has been in prison we've seen the gun crowd double down on the "if everybody had guns, we'd all be safe!" mantra, leading to shit like this.  The only thing we seem to have learned in the two years Plax has been in the joint is that you can shoot someone in the head and they can still live.

I don't like people walking around with guns, and I think Plax should've been punished for being such an idiot and putting people in real danger, but I still think the punishment was a bit severe, and if it's purpose was to make some sort of point it's failed miserably. Anyway.  I hope we all feel better about ourselves for having locked him up for so long.


Tricia said...

EXACTLY. Should have had you guest post on ""

I think he was supposed to get released on my birthday.

Xmastime said...

oh, isnt that just too perfect!!!!!