Monday, June 06, 2011

"Remember, Jerry: It's Not a Lie If You Believe It"

Even someone as Palin-obsessed as myself is worn down to the nubs by this stupid bus tour and her baffling Paul Revere deconstruction, so it's to her credit that she can still amaze us at this point, with Wikipedia having to fend off her cult followers from changing the Wikipedia entry on Revere's ride to comply with her dazzlingly baffled dissertation.

Unreal.  Why can't people just say "hey, she fucked up, move on"?  No left-wing Marxist Kenyan tried to change any Wikipedia entries to show that the US has 57 states when Obama misspoke.  The answer, of course, is because SHE can't do it - instead, she had to double down on idiocy and OF COURSE claim to be the victim of a "gotcha" question.
"Everything is a gotcha question with her," - Joe Scarborough.
His colleague provides a reminder of the question that spurred Palin's history lesson on Paul Revere:
"What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?"

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Paul Revere was alread a myth invented by Northerners and a poet to cover up for a big failure. Who are you smug liberals to say she's wrong? A T-Town boy should know about Jack Jouett anyway. YORF!