Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sunday Morning

3,000 peeps dead at the WTC. 3,000 soldiers killed. That’s....$75,000,000 per body. Are we spending that much to cure cancer? Nope!! Are we spending that much on heart disease? Nope! But guess what you’re gonna die of? Cancer! Heart disease! Car crash!

I must've read the wrong Bible (this IS this adminstration's playbook, no?) I could swear one of Jesus' reason d'etre was healing disease, not "spreading democracy." Hmm. It's a mystery! - XMASTIME
On FOX News with Chris Wallace just now, Sarah Palin was asked about the idea of a mandate on any governmental level ensuring that all people by healthcare, to which she answered:
I'm don't like government on any level, federal or local, mandating anything, except for our own safety, and...
There is a rift in logic when it comes to such things.  There is no dollar we will not proudly spend when it comes to the military, but a dollar spent on healthcare is evil, despite the fact that the odds of us dying early from heart disease, cancer, or diabetes is infinitely higher than any sort of military attack.  Wallace, of course, didn't press Palin "how does our healthcare NOT affect our own safety?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh come on, snap out of it. The lives spent on going after terrorism along with the money sunk is all in an effort to DO something about an ongoing threat. Yes millions ARE spent and donated for studies on new medications and treatments for said diseases. Not saying healthcare isn't important, just a different problem we are dealing with which is awwwwwfulllll expensive.