Sunday, June 05, 2011


I can't swing my fucking hogballz without hitting some goddam article about how "shocked" Hollywood is about how great Bridesmaids has done at the box office, that FINALLY women can carry a movie in Hollywood.  You know, as early as 2011.

Yes, Bridesmaids has had to overcome a blockbuster media hype machine, the Judd Apatow Hollywood formula for printing money, a lead actress who has been one of the most popular SNL members of all time, another actress who was on SNL for years and therein also in front of America every seven days, an actress who is on one of the most successful sitcoms of the past decade (also onscreen every seven days), some insanely hot chick who was in such indie movie sleepers as Star Wars: Attack of the Clones II, Get Him to the Greek and X-men: First Class and, just for kicks, another accomplished actress for physical comedy.  On top of everything else, they've had to struggle with five out of the six women being hot.  Gee, how did they EVER overcome the odds?

I don't pay to go to movies, so I haven't seen it.  I'm sure that when it comes on cable I'll enjoy it, I'm sure it's funny, but this fucking "underdog" bullshit is making me hate the goddam movie, which is unfair.  But that's the way it is with everything nowadays - they can't just make a movie and say "hey, watch this, it's funny as shit"; we hafta believe it somehow arose out of organic earnestness and an iron will, fighting against an uncooperative Hollywood that tried to crush them every step of the way.  For fuck's sake.


Anonymous said...

you really should pay to go see Pirates though. It's really worth every cent getting that 3D effect.

Anonymous said...

Your posts are funnier—and you're cuter—when you don't make fun of fat girls.

Xmastime said...

corrected. and yes, its because you called me cute. unless youre a dude.

Anonymous said...

Maybe...a fat dude.