Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Watching the Seinfeld pilot this eveing (shoutout: illWill!) I'm reminded that the first season of Seinfeld was so bad, even George couldn't save it.

However, one bit in the pilot did forshadow greatness:
JERRY: Yeah, OK. Oh, wait a second. Oh, I, I forgot to clean the bathroom.
GEORGE: So what? That's good.
JERRY: Now, how could that be good?
GEORGE: Because filth is good...Whatta you think: rock stars have sponges and ammonia lyin' around the bathroom? They, they have a woman comin' over: "I've gotta tidy up? Yeah right, in these matters you never do what your instincts tell you. Always, ALWAYS do the opposite.
JERRY: This is how you operate?
GEORGE: Yeah, I wish.
Of course, a few seasons later, The Opposite would become an all-time classic.

Interesting note I never knew 'til now:
According to Jerry Seinfeld, the line from George's angry rant at the movie theater – "...we're gonna take it outside and I'm gonna show you what it's like!" – is taken almost verbatim from Buddy Rich, who would berate his big band players for playing too loud.

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