Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Do Like the Nickname "T-Paw"

If you wanna be a GOP candidate for president, you have to pander to people even dumber than yourself by saying every credible scientist in the world is wrong about Global Warming.  So it's interesting that on Meet the Press this morning, T-Paw says this about being gay:
GREGORY: Is being gay a choice?
PAWLENTY: Well, the science in that regard is in dispute. I mean, scientists work on that and try to figure out if it’s behavioral or if it’s partly genetic –
GREGORY: What do you think?
PAWLENTY: Well, I defer to the scientists in that regard.
So I guess just like cherry-picking whichever parts of the Bible we want to believe in whenever politically feasible, we can do the same about science.  That's a nice luxury to have.  Let's just make things easier and get rid of science altogether - school would certainly be easier.

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