Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

I'm loving the massive, endless stream of minute details about the new NFL deal they're giving us, because all I can think of is "who fucking gives a shit?"  I mean, fans just want the fucking games to be played.  Do these fucking people really believe John. Q. Fan gives a shit about how many years a rookie picked after the seventh round can get for his first contract?  Really?  That keeping anyone else up at night? And it's not even like it makes a difference to point out who are the "good guys" or "bad guys", since there's nothing a fan can do about either the players or owners losing or keeping their jobs.  Roger Goodell's comparing their NFL deal to the one Congress is trying to make is cute, but at least we can (theoretically) toss members of Congress out of office if we don't like what they've done.  Meanwhile, Jerry Jones is gonna own the Cowboys no matter how many fans are miffed about the new healthcare plan for retired NFL players.

And ooooh, they're getting us all worked up about the EXPLOSION!! of movement via free agency over the next week!  Wow!  That's a good thing to have us worry about, since you never know when Al Davis is gonna call you up and ask who's the best free safety available!!!!

Fucking hell.  Fucking nonsense. Just shut the fuck up and play already.

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