Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9/11 As Usual, a Joke in Your Town*

Apparently 9/11 first responders are not being invited to the big 9/11 10th Anniversary Party, presumably to make room for presidential candidates looking to out-do each other on-camera about how destroyed they were that day, and how much the 9/11 responders' heroism means to them as freedom-loving patriots.  I'd look for a run on glycerin that week.  How nervous is Guiliani gonna be - this is the day he's been prepping for the last ten years; God forbid there be a hitch, such as someone ELSE hurling themselves into the hole at Ground Zero.  Mostly, this makes me nostalgic - wasn't it just yesterday we were trying to deny medical benefits to these very responders?  Sniff sniff...they grow up so fast!!!  Next week when we launch them all into outer space to make room for our 9/11 Crying Museum is gonna fly by!

* heh heh heh

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