Friday, August 26, 2011

The Baltimore Orioles Can Eat a Bag of Fucking Bird Dicks

As you already know, I like the Orioles.  I've never had a beef with the O's, and I absolutely love Ken Singleton.  Also, I know that crying foul re: another team not bending over to happily assist your march towards world domination and "doing the right thing!" only comes off as whining.  But their refusal to accomodate the Yankees in any way re: squeezing in all of this series' games this weekend is bullshit.  I mean, it'd be one thing if it was the Red Sox, and you could begrudgingly chalk it up to competitiveness and admit the Yankees would do the same.  But the Orioles are, once again, the worst team in baseball, dragging their pitiful, sorry asses to finish out another shitty season, so their doing so only reeks of pettiness.  Congratulations Orioles, you did it - the Yankees will prolly hafta come back on their only day off in the last month of the season to play you, by which point you will be playing to not lose 100 games.  Good for you!  I hope the Yankees send a lineup made up of the kids they help out during HOPE WEEK.

Shitty teams playing the role of spoiler at the end of a season can be an exciting part of the season..if it comes ON the field, not off.


Then again, what the fuck do I care.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

All over the Yankee blogs fans are proposing exactly what you have: for the Yankees to take advantage of the expanded roster in September and field a AAA team—-no Jeter, Mo, A-Rod, Grandy, CanĂ³, etc and fly 'em out to the West Coast in advance; no Banuelos, Betances, Montero, either—-and let the Yankee fans know in advance, so they won't go to Camden Yards and consequently fuck the O’s in the wallet.

If it were to happen--maybe when George was alive and in his prime but not w/ these wimpy kids of his at the helm (Hank, wake up! We need you now!)--the Yankees would take a PR hit by doing this, but for a team that’s already irrationally despised by 90% of non-Yankee fans and a significant part of the mainstream sports media, I say, what harm will this really do to the Yankees?

If you're going to be the Evil Empire you've got to own it, I say.