Friday, August 19, 2011

Charles Krauthammer is a Fucking Idiot: Chapter 4,398

In his daily Charlie Daniels-esque scrambling of 900 words to say "Obama sucks!", Charles Krauthammer this morning is outraged at Obama saying that Republicans aren't acting in good faith when it comes to working on national solutions.  According to Charles, the Right's feelings are greatly hurt by Obama making such a claim.


Republicans have been very clear that their #1 objective is to get rid of Obama.  Period.  They've been very open that they in no way are willing to negotiate with him or give an inch in compromise.  As a matter of fact, they're proud of these things, and are pretty sure it's what will keep them in office.  There's no "gee, are they being aloof..." going on here.  It's their raison d'etre; after they get Satan McSatanny out of "their" House, THEN they'll worry about the other 299,999,999 people in  the country.

Meanwhile, the very people that are stupid enough to believe Charles Krauthammer has a brain inside his head are the very people demanding that Republican Congressmen act this way.  So I'm confused.  Who exactly is Obama insulting? Whose feelings are really so hurt?  In their eyes, this is probably the first time they think Obama's gotten anything correct.

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