Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Help

Whenever you see an old movie or read a story about white folks back in the day - be it days of slavery, or the 100 years after - perhaps they'll have slaves or servants. Now, they treat the black people as beneath themselves - even if friendly with the "house negroes", they're seen as obviously inferior and repulsive to the whites.

But they have no problem with the black people cooking their food. If you're repulsed enough by a race to put them beneath yourself, treat them like animals should you wish, never allowing their dark skin to touch your own, why are you okay with them touching your food in the kitchen? Or washing your clothes by hand? Always cracks me up. "Hope you learned something from this make me some crab cakes." - XMASTIME
THIS GUY writes almost the same thing about movie The Help, replacing food with children:
The one pleasure of these white women, it seems, is tyrannizing over the woman who actually does work and love in their homes. They are utterly repulsed by physical contact with blacks, and their concern with hygiene (reflected in an intensifying effort to make sure the races use separate bathrooms) is really a desire to have no emotional connection with those over whom they rule without limits. Still, they turn their children over to "the help," and let their hired women lavish loving affection on the their kids  as if they were their own. What's especially striking is the utter lack of gratitude of the white women for what they have, for all the help they have received.

"Oh, I'm good enough to make you flapjacks but can't sit in your precious chair? Fuck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeww!"

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