Friday, August 19, 2011

It's On Like a Honkey Kong!

As you already know I loves me some Anthony Bourdain, especially when he lambastes the hacks on the Food Channel.  He appears to have updated some of his greatest hits the other day:    
On Guy Fieri: “I look at Guy Fieri and I just think, ‘Jesus, I’m glad that’s not me.’”
On Rachael Ray: “Does she even cook anymore? I don’t know why she bothers. To her credit, she never said she was good at it.”
On Sandra Lee: “There was an incident with Sandra Lee where I ran into her [after criticizing her publicly]. It was deeply terrible. Don’t mess with her. I rarely feel uncomfortable, but she has a powerful force. I hate her works on this planet, but she is not someone to be dismissed, clearly.”
He of course saves his best for Paula Dean:
“The worst, most dangerous person to America is clearly Paula Deen. She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she’s proud of the fact that her food is f–king bad for you [...] plus, her food sucks.”
I liked Paula when she first came on tv, but her stupid fucking sons mugging for the camera drove me away.  Brothatime!! has been to her restaurant and will curl up in food coma ecstasy about how good it was if asked.  More importantly, unlike the other assholes, Deen has the balls to fire back at Bourdain.

They'll probably end up hugging it out and Bourdain will begrudgingly say her food's good, like he did Emeril, which is too bad cause this could be a recipe for some fucking Zingerpalooza, complete with Deen molding a figure of Bourdain out of butter and deep frying it, covering it in nacho cheese and re-deep frying it, and then forcing him to either eat it or blow his fucking brains out with a gun he has to pick out of a bacon butter lard casserole.

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