Friday, August 19, 2011

We're Gonna Need a Bigger (Insert Something Here, I Can't Be Bothered Anymore)

Looks like Robert Downey Jr is making a movie about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, ie the event that nobody on Earth would know about were it not for Jaws.  Normally if I wanted to watch a bunch of guys sitting around waiting to get eaten by a massive animal I'd watch Khloe Kardashian's Man Buffet, Vol. IX, but this should be good too.

Even better, apparently the writer's also writing a mini-series for HBO America: In the King Years, the adaptation of the Taylor Branch book series, an Xmastime super-slice of super-slices:
I think I'll read PTW again, actually - the last time I read it, I was on the first Greyhound Bus to "take off" after the Nashville bus terrorist incident. That was exciting. And I had just met a girl whom I thought was my true love, so that was exciting. And I lost 75 pounds, so that was exciting too. Which led me to banging three chicks in 6 weeks, which was VERY exciting (including #5 on this list HERE.) 
Nom nom nom! (eyes rolling into back of head as pussy juice is flung all about me in ecstasy)

Say, this seems like an appropriate time to remind you of my memories of Indianapolis winning the Super Bowl. You're welcome!

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