Monday, August 01, 2011

Nine Innings from Ground Zero

Scott Brosius: "Life is not fair. I mean, if there was ever a fair time for the Yankees to win the World Series, that was the year." 
Nine Innings from Ground Zero is on HBO right now - I'm guessing it'll be OnDemand over the next few weeks.

I've blathered on about how great it repeatedly, including giving it the highest compliment you can give a sports doc and paying a compliment to George Bush.

Mostly, it's just depressing to watch, even after ten years.  Not because of the people that died on 9/11, or the lost decade of endless wars and a shattered economny, but because it constantly reminds me "oh my god - I was still in my twenties then!!!!!!"

Sigh. Me.  I'm really happening, aren't I?

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