Friday, August 19, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

Some douchebag has put out a full-page ad asking for any women who've had sex with Rick Perry to come forward (heh heh heh) to smear Pery (heh heh heh.)

Please.  Rick Perry is a big, dumb, good-looking Texan who can't help popping his big mouth off at any opportunity and is in charge of the entire state.  On top of all that, he parades himself around as a super-Christian who worships at the altar of "family values.  In other words, OF COURSE he's fucked other women!!!

Meanwhile, he's advocated secession, doesn't think anything government has ever done or will ever do is constitutional except, presumably, writing a Constitution, and wants textbooks to show that Jesus and Reagan built Mount Rushmore with their bare hands the night before they went out and beat the Colts in Super Bowl III.  The best thing he's come up with so far for saving the economy has been to rent out a stadium and pray to the sky, which was also his big plan for getting it to rain, and his latest idea is to kill Ben Bernanke for printing money. Which is all to say that Perry fucking around on his wife is not only the most normal idea he's ever had, but also the one capable of the least amount of damage to the country.

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