Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh, The Horrible, Horrible Irony

Dependable Renegade nails it re: my old friend Eric "What is it I have to do to convince you people I don't have a brain in my fucking head?" Cantor:
Hey guys, remember that time Bobby "Bubba" Jindal mocked volcano monitoring and Boom! Right away that big volcano in Iceland exploded and all the airlines were grounded like forever and they were losing $1B a day in revenue? Me Neither! Anyway, that pinhead Eric Cantor wanted to shut down the USGS right after the Japan Tsunami disaster and BOOM! his district is the epicenter of a rare east-coast earthquake with nuclear power reactors that are now using diesel generators to keep the fuel cool.
Hey, let's give Eric "You don't get to be the Michael Jordan of idiots by saying smart things" Cantor a break on this one since, after all, somebody..."cough"...attacked his office last year. (did you see the cough was in quotes?)

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