Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oh Ricky You're So Fine, You're So Fine You Blow My Mind Hey Ricky! Hey Ricky!

Liberals are jumping up and down screaming about Rick Perry's stupidity on evolution while talking to a little kid:
"I hear your mom was asking about evolution," Perry told the boy. "That's a theory that is out there - and it's got some gaps in it.  In Texas we teach both Creationism and Evolution in our public schools -- because I figure you're smart enough to figure out which one is right."
Of course he's full of shit on evolution, but that's just another anti-science yawn-inducing talking point that the Right has been parroting for years now.  To me, his last line is more interesting, since it shows he has the exact wrong idea about how education works as well.  Yes, eventually the kid might find himself musing in Philosophy 101, where there's no "wrong" answer, but long before that he's taught things by people who assume he has no idea what's right - particularly in an exacting subject like science.  A science teacher will tell him "The Earth is round."  A science teacher will NEVER say "The Earth is either round or flat, you're smart enough to figure out which one is right" and then accept both answers as being correct.


Unknown said...

Not to mention that GOPers usually flail about when education advocates attempt to mandate more nuanced pedagogical approaches, like the "discovery learner" Mr. Perry champions in his evolution debate. I can hear them all hollering, "I learned math in a broken wooden chair from a mean bulldyke with warts who stepped on yer toes when you got the wrong answer, and I learnt it good, goldarnit." They don't need new-fangled teaching. 3 R's and a cloud of standardized tests. Didn't Aaron Sorkin already write this guy?

Which of course leads to the inevitable Rob Ritchie as interpreted by Toby Ziegler quote, "Don't worry, I'll have Jews for the money stuff." Which, in turn, leads to one of the best West Wing episodes, which was filmed right here in fucking Indiana. FUCK YEAH, AMERICA.

Xmastime said...

hahah that was a great episode. funny how Josh isn't a "real" Jew, just like he's not a "real" lawyer ;)