Thursday, August 25, 2011

Well. This Makes Sense.

Last year I pointed out that the number of Americans killed by terrorism was only 25, ie about twice as many as those killed by vending machines, despite the spending/hysteria over terrorism being approximately 188237873732272 times more than that for vending machines:

Which, to me, sounds like if we're spending a trillion bucks on fighting terrorism, we should be spending $500B on fighting vending machines. Do we even know what these fucking things do when nobody's around? I mean, I put in some change, and potato chips come out - the EXACT POTATO CHIPS I WANTED? Every time? Seems a little suspicious, doesn't it? If these things had arms they'd be fucking amazing on the monkey bars.
Turns out this year, there's been even FEWER deaths via terrorism.  Now, you can try some sort of causation/effect argument, but I don't think I'm crazy in suggesting we pump the brakes on insisting politicians scare the hell out of us 24 hours a day, and that a big chunk of the money we're spending on "fighting terrorism" could be better used by fighting things that kill more people over the course of an entire year than the number of people onstage at a Springsteen concert.

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