Monday, September 05, 2011


...while terrorism SHOULD be an inconvenience, as John Kerry so "ohmygodhehatesAmerica!!" said three years ago, Obama has to constantly deal with wars on terrorism because LIZ CHENEY'S FATHER reacted in the exact OPPOSITE way of "inconvenience," and instead went with incredible over-reaction and panic, which has of course led to losing trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and political morass that now uses such panic for political gain in lieu of trying to get anything else done. - XMASTIME
Anyone who's read Xmastime for more than 7 minutes knows that I'm less concerned with the events of 9/11 as I am with our massive over-reaction, and in an article at the Daily Beast Andrew Sullivan says it succintly like I never could:
Fear stopped us, overwhelmed us, as our ra-tion-al-ity deserted us. Yes, it was understandable, given what we endured that September morning. But we need to admit that our response was close to fatal. A bankrupted America that tortured innocents and disregarded its own Constitution is barely recognizable as America.

1 comment:

Will said...

i was 17