Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Socialist Beep Beep

A year ago I rather sexily said this about America finally coming around to hi-speed rail:
While boosting the economy with tons of news jobs, decreasing pollution and making for the possibility of putting a dent into our annual loss of 50,000 lives from car crashes will send us spiraling down a path towards becoming Euro-fags therein meaning Obama has declared victory in his desperate achings to destroy freedom as we know it (and killing more fetuses!), I think this is great news.
Of course it hasn't, thanks in part to stupid governors needing to showboat for stupid people, but as this post over at Sully points out, the "it's anti-American!" stance is even more ironic, since our obsessive marriage to cars and highways could be the most socialist thing about our country:
If the government owned all the grocery stores and apartment buildings, and and then sold or rented it with a massive subsidy to everyone, it would be called socialism. But Republicans have no problem with government owning the roads and giving them away almost for free, (the gas tax only covers a portion of the costs), and complaining about a few nickels being directed to those who do not drive. Who are the real socialists?
All this is happening while young people give less and less of a shit about cars, and cars may be the single biggest target for crazy bitches. And since today is "buy 4 Xmastime links get one free" day, here's a random gem (I hope.)

Meanwhile it turns out the only Socialism Republicans love more than the NFL is cars.  Interesting.  (Or IS it...?)

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Even light-duty rail costs $1 million per mile to build much less to maintain. No way high-speed can pay its own way or represent a smart investment. Heck, High-speed rail loses money in Japan where they have a densely populated country smaller than California and actually ride it obsessively. Why do you think the boondoggle would work here?