Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Hopeful Banging

THIS GUY HERE writes this:
Indeed, Republican governors tell me that Palin and Perry clearly bonded when they attended meetings as fellow governors from 2007 to 2009. “As executives of the two biggest energy-producing states in the country they had a lot in common and were simpatico on issues,” one governor told me last week. “You could also say they are both larger-than-life personalities who no doubt learned from each other in the publicity department.”
Please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh PLEEEEEEASE tell me there's gonna be a sex scandal with these two breaking out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, camon, they weren't fucking?  For fuck's sake, one is a really good-looking super-Christian who loves to pop off as much insanely stupid shit anytime a camera shows up as humanly possible, including denouncing goverment as being inherently evil despite having spent most of their adult lives in it, and the other is a really good-looking super-Christian who loves to pop off as much insanely stupid shit anytime a camera shows up as humanly possible, including denouncing goverment as being inherently evil despite having spent most of their adult lives in it.  You're telling me they weren't hittin' some skinz?  Puh-lease.

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