Friday, September 09, 2011


Yesterday HERE I reiterated the Right's dismissal of anything the government says or does except when it comes to "madmen" on the other side of the Earth who can climb monkeybars really, really well.  And right on cue, after Obama's speech last night I turned to FOX where with hushed reverence they went on and on about a suspected, "credible" terrorist attack for this weekend that's been sniffed out by the CIA. Which, last I checked, was a government agency.  As of right now I have yet to hear anyone on the Right dismiss this warning as "oh, so says the Government, and they're incompetent idiots" like they would if, say, the gub',ment mentioned that 99% of all scientists said the Earth was warming to a difficult degree.  I guess the only thing they believe they gub'ment can do well is scare the shit out of us.

WHICH brings me to my next point: stop with this "there's a chance of an attack this weekend but oh, don't do anything different, go on living your life as if you didn't hear this."  Wtf?  Unless the message is "GET THE FUCK OUT OF TOWN!!!", why fucking telling us and getting people riled up?  It's the ol' apology-without-actually-apologizing vibe.  Just do your fucking jobs squelching any attack and don't make people hafta needlessly worry.  Yes, if I see some dude in a turban swinging around a machete screaming "I hate the 1977 Dallas Cowboys!" I'll alert a cop.  Other than that, telling us this shit is pointless, as I wrote rather sexily HERE:
The fact is Kerry had it right: terrorism should be a mild nuisance for us. Period. I shouldn't hafta hear about it, I shouldn't hafta be checking random vans on the street. It sounds gay cause it's cliched, but yes - if I hafta spend my days checking vans and calling in every non-white person I see from my bedroom as I'm cowering in the closet cause your "terror alert color" is at orange, then yes, the terrorists have indeed "won." The stupid shit you assholes are pumping out to us in the press can only be cracking up Osama et al. If they can keep the "Sopranos" finale completely secret while working on it, can't you keep our national security on the down low? DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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