Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Funny Death

I was skimming through this article by a flight attendant about being one in a post 9-11 world, when this paragraph caught my eye:
In the months that followed, I can't tell you how many times I prayed, sitting on the jump seat during takeoff, that it wouldn't come to that. And if it did come to that, I prayed it would happen before we finished the service, because I didn't want to have to do all that work and then die.
Ha!  How awesome is that?  Sounds like something a lazy fuck  like me would say, more miffed about having to move my ass and work than dying.  After all, even in death, timing is important:
I would think that the most considerate day to die would be on a Monday, no? That way, the funeral's on Thursday. So your buddies have that day off, and then, why bother going into work just for one day the next day?  BAM!  4-day weekend. If you're a REALLY sweet guy, you'll put it into your will that you hafta be buried before 10am; that means everybody can have even more time to get outta town for a coupla days, have a nice relaxing vacation.

Hey, we're living in a society, people.

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