Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Paul McCartney

I mentioned the documentary Paul McCartney made after having been on the runway of JFK on the morning of 9/11, and he was also helped organize The Concert for New York City, which I mentioned in the post below.  And now GodIHateYourBeatlesOoooohhhThe StonesareCoolerBecauseI'manIdiot! has sent me an interview he did on the Howard Stern show a few weeks after 9/11, which is obviously pretty great.  Besides learning from Bab Bouey (no, I don't give a fuck if that's how it's spelled) that it's the only time Howard's even been starstruck by celebrity, we learn that for some reason Macca owns the rights to the Notre Dame fight song.  Also, how fucking outrageously successful are you when Bing Crosby has recorded one of your songs and you never even noticed it?  And Howard gives the most appropriate response when Paul starts talking about being on the runway during 9/11 by asking what surely anyone else would: wait, wtf - Paul McCartney flies commercial?  Are you shitting me?

Other highlights:
- him busting on Elvis for butchering the words to Yesterday
- him genuinely being pissed at Michael Jackson for the buying his song fiasco

Programming Note: Three of the clips on the page (the 2nd, 3rd & 4th) won't play, but the other three do.  Also, it's just audio, don't be distracted by the videos. Enjoy!

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