Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh, Government.

Good (albeit depressing) note HERE on how what's bad for America is good for Republicans, who have figured out that their antics have zero consequences when it comes to voters.

To sum:
1) GOP blocks any any all legislature/nominees regardless of how little they know or care about it
2) Needing 60 votes for anything to pass has become so de riguer nobody even bothers to notice it anymore
3) This of course makes government unable to function
4) Therein making the government incapable of doing anything a self-fulfilling prophecy, thanks to people determined to vote in people who are determined to make this so
5) People don't blame the GOP for any of this, they vaguely blame "Congress"
6) Rinse, lather, repeat!

If these people ran the small businesses they like to pretend to fetishize like this, they'd stay in business  about 45 minutes. More importantly,  just saw a few more gray hairs on my head.  I mean, are you shitting me?  :(

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