Friday, September 16, 2011

Rivera & God

Whenever athletes do the ol' "God made me score that touchdown" or whatever I generally roll my eyes, but when Mariano Rivera says it I believe it, because Mo probably is God.

Although this line jumps out at me:
It also calms him in pressure situations. In 1999, Rivera told the New York Times he heard a voice while pitching against Atlanta. "I am the one who has you here," the voice said. Rivera believes it was the voice of God.
How funny would it be if some infielder on that team, say, Chuck Knoblach, saw this article and called him up: "Mo, that was me.  I said that behind you."  Would that shatter Mo's faith? Would Knoblach feel obligated to not say anything, allowing Mo to continue believing in his faith?

That's fucking funny.  Killing me. "Mo, that was me." Ha!

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