Friday, September 09, 2011

Thinkprogress Needs to Grow Up, Get a Pair

The tree-hugging hippies at Thinkprogess HERE are wringing their hands re: the GOP refusing to allow for investment in infrastructure despite much of it needing to be done in the very states which are refusing it.  Perhaps TP isn't aware that we're Americans, which means we're not gonna waste a buncha time and money prancing around like fairies working on bridges and roads that are still quasi-functioning and only semi-lethal.  TP needs to pulls its head out of it's pot-smoking ass and turn down the volume on it's fucking Phish platters and realize that when all the shit crumbles and a large number of people are killed and the cost to rebuild everything is exponentially greater than it would have been to merely shore them up, THEN we'll gettsta fixing the shit.  Until then, let's leave acting French to France, merci very much.  After all, as you here well know, our domestic policy is called TITS UP for a fucking reason.

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