Friday, September 16, 2011

Todd Palin Should Be a Lawyer, He's Very Smart and Convincing

The First Dude of Sniffdom fires back at the author of the Palin tell-all:

I'd ask the fathers and husbands of America to consider our privacy when one summer day I found this guy on the deck of the rental property, just 18 feet away next door to us, staring like a creep at my wife while she mowed the lawn in her shorts, unbeknownst to her that he was prying. As well as our teenage daughters while they tried to enjoy our traditional Alaskan summer days outdoors.
First of all, it sounds like Todd is the one leering at Sniffy, in the "priest carries woman across the river parable" kinda way.  Secondly, I'm pretty sure all the fathers and husbands of America who read this are now sitting back in their recliners, picturing Sniffy Deere prancing around the yard in some Daisy Dukes.

But what does "traditional Alaskan summer days" mean? Summer comes around here every year too, I've never heard anyone say "yeah around here we like to have summer at this time of the year, it's a tradition with us.  One year we had to cancel it because of Uncle Frank's 'roids, but every year, yeah,  we do summer."  Wtf?

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