Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ben E. King

But the real prize came when I found Extra 104 up in DC, and the world of 50/60s music was opened to me in one fell swoop. i was astounded as right there on one station came "Wipeout!" and "Stand by Me" and "Have I The Right", one after another. I bonded with friends over our love of "real" rock and roll, and stayed up as late as possible soaking it in. All that stuff sounded better when it was dark anyways. I'm not saying I woulda never found this music had my Grandpa not bought me that radio in my Playboy haze, but I'll always feel that connection with him everytime it's late at night and "Just My imagination" comes on. - Xmastime
In 1986 I remember sitting in the dark in my parents' white Impala listening to Stand by Me (which shoulda made my top fitty, btw) and being overcome with how incredible the song was, and I noted it had been recorded 25 years earlier, which I thought might as well have been 1776, and now I realize it's been 25 years sine that night.  Sigh.  Liver spots on my legs, bursting!

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