Friday, October 28, 2011

Diet Update

I've realized that over the last 2 years, without REALLY trying, I've lost 56 pounds. 56 pounds!!!!! On one hand that's totally depressing: how the FUCK big was I? On the other hand it totally makes me confident I'll sail through to my goal weight by Valentines Day. Here I come ladies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't looked at this blog in over a year. Sorry to hear of the loss of one of your 56 lb. limbs and/or organs.
Still, it appears that you are on the fast track to eternal damnation, although a slimmer sinner you may be. Still haven't pulled the thumb outta your arse and done anything with your wretched little life. Wondering who's basement you're "occupying".
Just a reminder, X=Jesus Christ. Learn it, love it, live it or be lost.
Now go change that diaper and embrace the day.