Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Last week I wondered if George Harrison was the Tea Party Beatle, and now here he is hanging out with a Republican president.  The guy who pardoned Tricky Dick!  And, apparently, Angela Davis.  Or, the abominable snowman from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. So.


The Gnat said...

Watched Part 2 last night and got bored with spirituality. I would have just preferred to rewatch the doc on the Travelling Wilburys at some point. Cool to get two different sides of the Clapton wife-poaching moment, but George's POV may have been better.

The Gnat said...

Oh yeah, and shouldn't they have sued Billy Preston, not George, for the My Sweet Lord copyright case? I will have to read up on that more, because it is literally the worst decision made by the federal courts including Dred Scott.

Xmastime said...

the feeling i got is George stole it from Preston, who didnt realize he was "writing" anything in the first place; but yes, the whole thing is absurd. the doc was just dull. i much prefer watching the Anthology on an endless loop.