Wednesday, October 19, 2011

True Greatness

In my own version of "athlete takes signing bonus and buys Maserati," the first time I got a big check from my old real estate job ($19,000) I went straight to Times Square and bought the Phil Spector box set, which for some reason heretofor (thentofor?) I had thought out of my reach. Also, I got a tug job from an Asian chick. Okay, that's not true. But woulda been cool. But then, so woulda turning into a werewolf in the middle of a high school basketball game, so. Life, eh? A kick in the vas deferens. - XMASTIME
The Martin Scorcese doc on George Harrison gave me nothing new about George, but I was startled into realizing that as much as I've always worshiped Phil Spector, I don't think I'd ever heard him speak.  Via GodIHateYourFuckingRonnettes, here's an interview with him, sounding appropriately fucking bananas.

He is the single greatest record producer of all time; I still can't believe entire careers haven't been built on copying him.  The only things that have tried are The Beach Boys, Born to Run and Kids in Philly.  I'd include End of the Century, but that was produced by...Phil Spector!!!

And Brian Wilson: when Phil Spector calls you "cuckoo", it MIGHT be time to get some help...

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