Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

I can't help but note the coincidence of these two events. Much like everyone being excited about the Republicans getting the keys to the Kingdom back, everyone's running around shouting "The McRib is back! The McRib is back!!" And, much like the elction, I think as soon as somebody actually EATS  a McRib they'll be reminded "ooooooh, right, now I remember...this is fucking terrible. What the fuck was I thinking?" - XMASTIME
Oh, goody fucking joy: the McRib is BACK!  Again!  What the fuck is it about the awful McRib that McDonald's feels worthy enough about to fucking trot it out every coupla years and act like it's doing the world a great big favor?  Yet another reason McDonald's should be running the country, as it's brainwashed people into thinking being able to spend $4 for the privilege of eating their own turds is something they should be thankful for.  Incredible.

1 comment:

Pops said...

You're spot on about McDonald's marketing division, but they've got *nothing* on Apple.