Friday, October 28, 2011

Ouch! That's Cold!

Even the Tea Party can see that their now-erstwhile darling Michele Bachmann is too silly for their tastes:
“Let’s face it: she’s a back-bencher and has been a back bencher congressperson for years,” he added. “This is not a serious presidential campaign.”
Wow.  That's like being asked to leave the cast of The Jersey Shore for not being classy enough.

Eventually, these people will understand that there is a time for serious governance, and not just an embarrassing clown show determined to out-stupid itself at every turn.  Bumper stickers are fun but they don't run countries.  Hopefully this is the first step towards this.  When they also tell Gingrich/Santorum/Paul/Cain/Perry to get lost and denounce their queen bee Sniffy Wiffy, we'll know they're actually serious.

Meanwhile, she still qualifies for the GOP Batshit Olympics.  Good luck, you dumb shit!

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