Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I suppose if the people claiming that the Wall Street protesters "hate capitalism" say it enough it might magically come true.  Of course what anyone with a brain understands is that what they want IS capitalism, just not the kind of fake, rigged capitalism we seem to have spiraled into.  Actual capitalism helps a shit-ton of people; the version we have now helps very few.  And THAT'S what the beef is.  It's the opposite of socialism; ironically, the LAST thing the "1%" want is actual capitalism, in the same way they'd soil their Ronald Reagan underoos if the "free market" they pretend to espouse actually existed.

As always, it's sad watching the people most adversely affected by this being suckered into valiantly defending the very people that have helped craft their plight.  They are the stuffed deer on the wall furious at anyone who blames the hunter.  If having to work three jobs to pay for your house that's now worth 60% and not having health insurance is your idea of the American Dream, then I guess sure, write a nifty little sign and send it into Erick Erickson while chanting USA! USA! USA!  Hey, we all have our stories!


Marley said...


Marley said...


Xmastime said...

yes, what they should do is follow the agenda this guy from the WSJ endorses, which is what these people feel failed them in the first place. grow up and be republicans, as of course they're a rag-tag group of ideologically driven hippies, unlike the sober, thoughtful Tea Partiers. of course!

Marley said...

I actually hung with the ODC last week, and it was pretty cool - a standard gaggle of hippies, legalize dopesters, commies, socialists, thrill-seekers, enviro-types and one worlders. They had no real unifying theme other than "this sucks!"

Get off your fat blog and go down to Occupy Wall Street (or, for that matter, a Tea Party rally) before opining a new conventional wisdom.

Marley said...

Sometimes, you veer very sharply into self-parody.

Doug Schoen was pollster for Ed Koch, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Democratic senate candidates.


Xmastime said...

"- a standard gaggle of hippies, legalize dopesters, commies, socialists, thrill-seekers, enviro-types and one worlders. They had no real unifying theme other than "this sucks!"

yes. And Im sure if i went to a tea party and said they were "baffled people being suckered into screaming 'keep the gub'ment out of my medicare!' while cutting donuts in their Rascals" you wouldn't raise an eyebrow as being a TAD dead-on to a point i mightve worked backward to?

you are banned for 18 hours.

Xmastime said...

Shoen's a bit TOO dead on "gee, I thought they'd be asking for a fair shake, but what they really want is to repeal healthcare/re-vote for McCain/re-impeach Clinton/get Rush back in the MNF booth" camon.

Marley said...

I've been to a Tea Party rally as well, and it was a similarly disparate group, with more homogeneity in ideology. Understandable given that it was not as nascent or spontaneous as the Occupy movement.

You've been to neither. I presume you were too busy thinking up ways to be less stupid than Richard Cohen. But by all means, continue to profess to us what they are all about based on your morning emetic of Yglesias and Sullivan.

Go to OWS. What else could you possibly have to do?

Marley said...

"Shoen's a bit TOO dead on "gee, I thought they'd be asking for a fair shake, but what they really want is to repeal healthcare/re-vote for McCain/re-impeach Clinton/get Rush back in the MNF booth" camon."

If you go to OWS, you may be asked to repeat what various speakers say in session. You've made clear you cannot write English (I can't make heads nor tails out of what you're trying to say about Schoen or his polling outfit). But can you speak it?

Xmastime said...

i wish i had a video camera.

Marley said...

Hell, my brother-in-law is up there right now regularly emailing me the sights and goings on and smells. Go. See for yourself. You're as much the press as anyone else.

Oh. Wait. Plan B (watching "Hoosiers" for the umpteenth time and then imperiously opining about shit) is waaaayyyy more attractive.

Xmastime said...


Marley said...

It is worth it. Hell, if it keeps up for a few more weeks, I'll come up, get a handtruck, peel you off the couch and we'll go together.

Xmastime said...

ill only go if i can videotape it. im not a reporter, im an entertainer!

Xmastime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marley said...

Push you? I'd get lost in the slabs and slabs.

Dust like Dennis Hopper in Hoosiers.

Marley said...

What happened to your video recorder?

Xmastime said...

we're doing fat jokes now? (tap tap) "Is this thing on? Say, why dont they make the entire plane outta the black box?"

Marley said...

Look. You're heavy. And the discussion has made that point relevant. This is not my fault, husky pants.

Xmastime said...

that was Will's. dunno if he still has it. ill see.

Marley said...

Get it. Go down. Video the goings on. Prove Schoen to be the greedy, lying coporate shill of IBM you know him to be.

Marley said...

Also, you wrote, "the version [of capitalism] we have now helps very few [people]"

If you can fit that on a T-shirt (very likely, given your girth), you'll get some ass.

Just don't mention your prior military service securing the safety and interests of our nation.

Xmastime said...

"You were a probably heroic part of the war machine!!!!! get him!"

when you come we hafta dress you up as the Monopoly Guy and walk around.

Xmastime said...

hmm. turns out Shoen "might" have an agenda re: his "completely random!" polling at OWS


Marley said...

Ha ha.

"Pollster Who Released Survey on OWS Has Job That Pays Him In Cash, Not Hugs"

You got him.

Xmastime said...

going there tomorrow morning. how awesome would it be if i get hauled away by cops?

Marley said...

Super awesome. But you'd have to be pretty nutty.

Take many, many photos.

As for Schoen, he - gasp! - has “an extensive list of corporate clients.”

Me too, but that doesn't make me a . . . . hey?????

Xmastime said...

i think the takeaway is if you wanna find enough "random" people to make your point, you can. hopefully ill be able to bring the funny.

Marley said...

That is of course your takeaway, prior to your visit, which makes your takeway, at this juncture. poop. Schoen polled folks, there is anecdotal evidence that suggests his polls are reasonable (what I saw in DC tracked, it tracks with what my brother-in-law reports reports). And my brother-in-law is a looney, married to one of those wackaloons who used to camp out down in Crawford, TX during the last administration, and it is not altogether a bad thing if the OWS (or ODC, or OATL) groups are anti-capitalistic and a bit fringey.

Hell, if you tried to foist your completely political "they all just loooove capitalism but not THIS capitalism" crap on my sister-in-law, she'd strangle you with her armpit hair. She rejects your thesis.

Who cares? What matters is the truth, not how it might look.

All groups have to suffer the broad-brush of their political enemies. Just ask the crypto-racist Tea Party.

But what mattered about them was not whether they were misrepresented, but, in fact, what they truly were.

So go down, and report back, and then you may have something other than speculation that Schoen (and I) are serving our corporate masters.

Xmastime said...

youre talking to a wannabe-shill. i aspire to be a corporate shill.

Xmastime said...

postponed; my camerawoman has a buncha job interviews. i need more hippy friends without jobs!

Unknown said...

Not that you won't be balls out hilarious on your own, but please, for the love of fuck, get either:

A.)One of your siblings
B.) Davie B. to play protest songs and score chicks
C.)An Asian guy

to go with you. Any of those would be internet gold. Good luck.