Thursday, October 06, 2011


The balls on Sniffy to claim she's not running for president to "protect her family" after dragging them out into the national spotlight when plucked from obscurity by the oldest man in the world, complete with Down's Syndrome kid attached to her hip, to having her family the stars of a "reality" show, to using Piper (my favorite character, btw) as a bodyguard during her "what the fuck is she even doing?" bus tour almost makes you think fuck it, maybe she SHOULD be president.  Someone like that will either accidentally blow up the planet 30 seconds after inauguration ('what's THIS button do?" BOOM!) or somehow have us all diving into piles of gold doubloons a la Scrooge McDuck.

The Palins in CATS!


Marley said...

That's not her kid, though (cite - Andrew Sullivan)

Xmastime said...

no love for my shoutout?