Friday, November 18, 2011

Biopic I Wanna See Made.

Henry Cavendish.

Apparently one of England's richest and most eccentric peeps of the 18th century, he came up with amazing scientific discoveries but was such a weirdo he never told anyone about them, allowing them to be discovered by others later on.  Let us Wiki (bow your heads please):
Because of his asocial and secretive behaviour, Cavendish often avoided publishing his work, and much of his findings were not even told to his fellow scientists. In the late nineteenth century, long after his death, James Clerk Maxwell looked through Cavendish's papers and found things for which others had been given credit. Examples of what was included in Cavendish's discoveries or anticipations were Richter's Law of Reciprocal Proportions, Ohm's Law, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, principles of electrical conductivity (including Coulomb's Law), and Charles's Law of Gases.
AND, among other things, he calculated the density of the Earth. (Prognosis: fat.) From HERE, we see how the world mighta changed had this weirdo spoken up:
Now, imagine if England had figured out electricity decades before they actually did. With findings like Ohm's Law moved from 1827 to 1781, a vast thermodynamic and electrical knowledge suddenly at the scientific community's disposal and the public mind set in the "industrialize everything" mode that was the spirit of the era, the progress of technology would have been rapidly put to use. Gaslights could have become electrical ones within years, and the steam engine would've gone the way of the dodo. Great Britain might've entered the Victorian era fully lit, amped up and more powerful than ever, at no bigger price than the ruined dreams of potential future steampunk enthusiasts.
But apparently he broke the record for crazy, so.  Fascinating cat. Let's get this bio done!!!!! Robert Downey Jr. can't pull off this role?

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