Monday, November 07, 2011

Garfield To the Rescue

This Jerry Sandusky shit is getting worse and worse by the minute; I almost guilty for making a joke about it earlier.  Fucking hell.  To cheer myself uip I'm reposting an old Garfield slice, since nothing cheers me up like fat, orange cats who hate Mondays.

There is nothing about this strip that makes any fucking sense.

1) Why is the plate upside down?
2) Jon Arbuckle lives in the Midwest, and yet he hasn't dumped a bunch of fucking ketchup on his hot dog?
3) Who the fuck bites into the middle of a hot dog like that? Is this because he apparently closes his eyes when he's about to bite into food? How many times does this dumb motherfucker accidentally bite his own hand?
4) Did Jim Davis chuckle like a 12 year-old when he got away with "who greased my wiener"?
5) Why would a cat who is used to eating lasagna and is repulsed at the thought of eating a mouse be so excited to eat a hot dog that's been "greased"? Wtf?
6) If Garfield had access to the hot dog to cover it in grease, why didn't he just eat the fucking thing then?

Jesus. My mind is spinning.

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