Monday, November 14, 2011

Generation Sux

The other day Andrew Sullivan commented on his disdain for the Baby Boomers, and today we see this essay via Yglesias from Iraq veteran, Penn State graduate, and Second Mile alumnus on the failure of the American elite.  It's hard not to agree with everything he writes; the previous generation was bequeathed a nation of unprecedented prosperity and global admiration, and turned themselves into a collective of "I gots mines, eff you!" as if they'd somehow wrestled it from fascism themselves, all while never missing an opportunity to fail at any hard decision or moral dilemma they were faced with.  I'd say they're outdated, out of their depth and need to go, but of course as I've said before we continue to insist on demanding old, bitter motherfuckers with no real stake in the game sit around making the rules for us, be it Congressmen or Supreme Court Justices. So.

That's right, you Greatest Generation people arent off the hook with me either:
I’ve been noticing something recently. All my life, it’s always old people from “The Greatest Generation” that have hectored us young kids, pointing their wrinkled, bony fingers at us about no shortcuts!! Nothing is worth doing without hard work! Slow and steady, don’t cut corners!!

Yet every time I’m at a bodega, there’s 5 of these motherfuckers in line buying 10 lottery tickets each. Wtf?
In the Baby Boomer generation's defense, they're still better than my own generation at assassinations, hardcore racism and serial murderers, so a little respect, please.

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