Friday, November 18, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner?

Post HERE about a black woman's first Thanksgiving dinner with white people. Hysterical.

Other than when I was teaching and once asked my students what they'd had for Thanksgiving dinner and was astounded as each and every one included Kraft Macaroni & Cheese on their list, my only time having any connection with a black person for Thanksgiving dinner was a few years ago when a friend brought a guy she'd just started dating who was black.  After the meal we're all sitting around bullshitting, and I noticed he was sitting by himself.  Being the single greatest diplomat ever of race relations (DON'T start that "Xmastime you're a hero" shit, not now, this isn't about me) I walked over to join him, and saw that he was staring at the tv.  I glanced at the tv and was mortified - "ohmygod" I thought, "this guy is gonna think that all white people sit around and watch Bruce Springsteen concerts for Thanksgiving!!"

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