Friday, November 18, 2011

This Is a Real Mystery. (Scratching Head.)

Republicans have been screaming for years that if only Obama would lower the corporate tax rate, capitalism could be unleashed and then an orgy of creating new jobs would begin.  Meanwhile, Bank of America and Citigroup are among a number of banks that are getting rid of up to 75,000 jobs in the next few weeks.  Which is strange, because, among others, Bank and America and Citigroup paid a total of $0.00 in taxes combined.  Either Obama needs to figure out how to bend over backwards and do more for these companies, or the whole Republican mantra has been a load of hogwash.  But surely that seems impossible, so.  Maybe Obama can GIVE these banks money? Oh wait, he did.

I'm not the president. Obama's gotta fix this shit. He's letting our noble job creators down.  I for one don't wanna be there when Jesus and his scrappy, lovable sidekick Baby Jesus hears about this shit.

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