Wednesday, November 30, 2011

To the People in Charge of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Special, re: Justin Bieber Singing The Little Drummer Boy.

Hey, I got no beef with the Biebs.  I don't know or care about his music, but he seems like a nice kid.  As in, A KID - an adult should've stepped in and pointed out that The Little Drummer is an incredibly sad, poignant song; NOT a "let's party!" jam to bounce up and down to, slapping high fives while a robot comes out blaring "Emergency! Emergency! Everyone must report to the dance floor! Take your party stations!”  I mean, for fuck's sake.  Grrr.

"So, what, this asshole's ain't got no mad $crillah for a gift? Wtf?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he's dressed like a Nazi to boot.