Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Appetite for Destruction is completely overrated; to hear people talk about it now you'd think it was Revolver times Highway 61. It's a pretty good album, but that's it. Hey, you were better than Poison. Congratulations. - XMASTIME
While I'm loathe to spend two seconds even remotely thinking about the stupid Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, Guns 'n Roses and the Red Hot Chili Peppers going in are about as incredible a double-dip of shit as you can get.  G 'n effin R, man!!!! had one record that nobody wants to admit is incredibly over-rated, as I've said before (being better than the Poison/Warrant/Crue records that followed doesn't make a record Sgt fucking Pepper, for fuck's sake), and the fucking RHCP should be put before a firing squad for not only being incredibly shitty and unlistenable themselves but also single-handedly spawning the "rap-funk-punk-metal" genre that shit out such awful bands as Limp Bizkit et al.  Ugh.  For fuck's sake.

The only thing I like about any of these turds is that my old friend Celester liked G 'n R before anyone else.

"Are those my hot wings? I think that table got my wings! Hey!!"


Kiko Jones said...

Re: GnR
Though there is not the same cultural significance, of course, the Sex Pistols also were HoF, worthy, so...

If we're to dis bands for what they spawn I'd have to disown my beloved VH circa DLR. Not gonna happen.

Pops said...

Xmastime: I wonder if Red Lover will attend the induction ceremony?

Kiko: I'm with you on the DLR-era VH

Xmastime: I'd give Faith No More the credit(?) for influencing nu-metal bands like Limp Bizkit and Korn. They pre-date RHCP, and "Epic" was clearly ahead of its time with regards to the metal/rap phenomenon that was to come.

The Gnat said...

Appetite is pretty good and Sweet Child is simply one of the best rock songs of all time. Use Your Illusion would be epic if limited to one album.

The Chili Peppers are the reason I change radio channels. Just unlistenable now.

By now, HOF is really a steaming pile of shit though.