Friday, December 09, 2011

The GOP Should Hire Me as a Consultant

Every time an election comes around each and every candidate swears theirs will be the one campaign that doesn't go negative, and of course as soon as the shit hits the fan they start carpet-bombing as heavily as everyone else.  But I feel that Mitt Romney is in the unique position of actually being able to run such a campaign as long as his primary rival is Newt Gingrich.  First of all, the GOP itself is panicking about the idea of Newt winning the nomination, so Mitt should let Karl Rove et al do the dirty work for him while he stays "above such things" and looks and acts "presidential."  But mostly, has there been a candidate is recent times who is as guaranteed to blow up with absolute self-destruction than the egomaniacally caligulan (TM - Xmastime2011)  brat that is Gingrich?  Is Romney clever enough to have learned rope-a-dope from Obama, and willing to simply stand there with poise until Newt has his inevitable meltdown?

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