Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hmm. Interesting. CURIOUS, Even.

I've rather snarkily mused that "perhaps" the Tea Party et al were somewhat less than honest about where their anger was directed, including HERE; today via Sully we see Erick Erickson, hardly the leftist commie pinko that I am, laying out some truth:
"The Republican Party has gone insane. For the better part of the last three years the Republican Party has exercised itself into a frenzy over the need to repeal Obamacare. For the two years leading up to November of 2010, mostly middle aged working white people took to the streets in sizes rivaling a NASCAR race to protest the socialization of  the American health care system. The individual mandate and TARP draw the ire of scores of primary voters. And our two front runners for President? They both support an individual mandate and they both supported TARP"
I'm not a genius, I am not Sherlock Holmes, so I just can't figure this out. It's a mystery!

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