Thursday, December 22, 2011


I've been struggling with the upcoming Jets/Giants game. My brain tells me to root for the Jets, therein helping my Cowboys' path to the playoffs; my heart has my blinding rage-based hatred of the Jets rooting for the Giants to win to finally fucking embarrass  Chris Christie  Rex Ryan into shutting the fuck up.

I've made a decision.  First of all, the Cowboys can still get to the playoffs by beating the Giants themselves next week.  But who really gives a shit anyway - they've won exactly one playoff game in 15 years; the odds of them getting to the Super Bowl is almost zero.  Therein, even if it means the Cowboys sit out the playoffs, I wanna see the Jets and their fat fuck loud mouth ass of a coach go down in flames on Christmas Eve in front of the entire country.  Besides, isn't the Super Bowl more about Watty buying a bunch of Popeyes chicken anyway?

Of course, a meteor hitting the stadium in the middle of the game and blowing away both teams would be ideal, but hey.  I'm not asking for too much.

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